Privacy Policy

CimpleTech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes that complying with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws and regulations, and properly handling information that can identify customers (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”) held by the Company, is an important corporate social responsibility. Accordingly, the Company has established the following basic policy on the protection of personal information.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations Related to Personal Information Protection

The Company will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws, regulations, and various guidelines, and properly manage personal information.

2. Personal Information Protection System

The Company will establish internal regulations related to information protection and strive to comply with them.

3. Acquisition of Personal Information

When acquiring personal information, the Company will announce or notify the purpose of use and will acquire it by lawful and fair means within the scope necessary for the intended use.

4. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company will use the personal information acquired in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 for the following purposes:

  • Business announcements related to the Company’s products, services, or events such as exhibitions
  • Announcements and operations of exhibitions, seminars, and campaigns organized or participated in by the Company
  • Responding to inquiries and requests
  • Conducting surveys, analyzing data, and creating statistical materials for product planning, development, or improving customer satisfaction
  • Investigating to ensure that personal information is accurate
  • Responding based on laws or administrative guidance
  • Other purposes announced or notified at the time of personal information acquisition

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not provide personal information acquired in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 to third parties without the customer’s consent, except as permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws and regulations.

6. Handling of Cookie Information

This site may use cookies to collect browsing information of users to improve services and convenience. This browsing information does not include personal information and cannot identify individuals. You can refuse to collect cookies by disabling them in your browser settings.

Use of Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google, to improve services and convenience. Based on cookies issued by the Company, Google collects, records, and analyzes the browsing history of customers on this site. The Company receives the analysis results from Google and understands the visitation status of customers on this site. The information collected, recorded, and analyzed by Google Analytics does not include any information that can identify specific individuals (such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, addresses, etc.). This information is managed by Google in accordance with Google’s privacy policy.

Google Privacy Policy
Google Privacy Policy

How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps
How Google uses data

7. Contact Information

Customers may request disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, and suspension of third-party provision of their personal information held by the Company in accordance with the Company’s prescribed procedures. For inquiries regarding your personal information, please contact us through the “Contact Us” section.

Regarding the Collection and Use of User Information

To improve and enhance the functionality of NCVIEW, we may collect and use information from NCVIEW users (hereinafter referred to as “users”). NCVIEW will not collect any user information without the user’s explicit actions.

The user information we collect includes the following items:

  • NC data (including macro programs)
  • Product shape files (such as STL and DXF files)
  • NCVIEW files created based on actual machine tools and tool data (TOL, MCH, MSFX, IDX)
  • NCVIEW configuration files (PRJX)
  • User operating system information

The data collected by NCVIEW and sent to us by users will only be used for NCVIEW function development and support activities such as NC data investigation.

If necessary, we will enter into a confidentiality agreement with the user.